Small reminder: You visited the Hong Kong website before. Hongfeng Gold is a member of the Hong Kong Gold and Silver Trade Center No. 050. Spot gold and silver investors are Hong Kong's compliant investment products.

2024 U.S. Presidents Day holiday trading schedule

Due to the US Presidents Day holiday, our company will make the following announcement regarding precious metals trading hours:

date Precious metal trading hours
office Technology Department (Inventory Room)
February 19, 2024
07:01 am to
03:25 am the next day
Office: Normal
Withdrawal: Normal
Customer Service: Normal
Deposit: Normal
07:01 in the morning to
03:25 the next day
February 20, 2024
normal trading hours Office: Normal
Withdrawal: Normal
Customer Service: Normal
Deposit: Normal
normal trading hours

** Customers please note that all limit orders, take-profit orders, and stop-loss orders are valid until the market closes during the holiday. Unless the transaction has been completed or canceled by the customer,
the system will automatically cancel all uncompleted limit orders, stop-profit orders, Stop loss order. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service department. Tel: (852)3978 8188Fax : (852)3978 8198Website : : cs@gwgold.hkictech.comHongfeng Bullion Group (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.


尊貴的各客户 : 近期我們發現有某些交易平台旗下經紀聲稱為本公司的子公司,可以幫助客戶開設外匯及各指數投資戶口。本公司在此發出嚴正聲明,貴司從沒經營外匯和其他指數買賣,亦沒有任何子公司經營此等買賣,務請各客戶及投資者,提高警覺免招損失。 敬請垂注

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