
Product reputation

Low threshold

The minimum tradable amount is 0.05 lots, and the capital is low, creating entry opportunities with small capital and low threshold for a wider range of investors.

Two-way transaction

You can go long or short. If the price rises, you can make a long profit. On the contrary, if the price falls, you can make a short profit. No matter whether the market is rising or falling, there are opportunities for investment profit.

high leverage

1-100 times leverage, high leverage, high returns. London gold trading implements a margin system with 1-100 times leverage. For every US$1 fluctuation in the gold price, one lot will earn US$100 in profit. With small gains, you can use funds more effectively and amplify the return on investment.

Easy to invest

The MT4 trading platform trades at any time 24 hours a day. The trading hours of London, New York, Hong Kong and other global gold markets are integrated to form a 24-hour uninterrupted investment trading system. Customers conduct 24-hour transactions through the MT4 electronic trading system.


尊貴的各客户 : 近期我們發現有某些交易平台旗下經紀聲稱為本公司的子公司,可以幫助客戶開設外匯及各指數投資戶口。本公司在此發出嚴正聲明,貴司從沒經營外匯和其他指數買賣,亦沒有任何子公司經營此等買賣,務請各客戶及投資者,提高警覺免招損失。 敬請垂注

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