
Trading system price anomalies

Due to anomalies in the data source of the trading system, resulting in abnormal platform prices, the quotes on the trading platform cannot accurately reflect the real-time market prices. In order to protect the fairness of online transactions and the rights and interests of our customers, our company does not accept any use of operating platform loopholes or Failure to place an order. Our company will now make the following arrangements; 
Platform time from December 18, 2023 15:50:54 to December 18, 2023 15:50:55
The international gold price at the time of the failure, the highest price was 2025.24 and the lowest price was 2024.90
All new transactions during abnormal price periods will be regarded as abnormal transactions.
During abnormal price periods, any stop-profit and stop-loss transactions that exceed the price range will be reopened.
It has now fully returned to normal. We apologize for any inconvenience caused during this period.
If you have any questions, please contact our customer service department
If you have any questions, please contact our customer service department.
Tel: (852) 3978 8188Fax 
: (852) 3978 8198Website 


尊貴的各客户 : 近期我們發現有某些交易平台旗下經紀聲稱為本公司的子公司,可以幫助客戶開設外匯及各指數投資戶口。本公司在此發出嚴正聲明,貴司從沒經營外匯和其他指數買賣,亦沒有任何子公司經營此等買賣,務請各客戶及投資者,提高警覺免招損失。 敬請垂注

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