
2024 Dragon Boat Festival holiday trading and deposit and withdrawal arrangements

Due to the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, our company will make the following announcement regarding precious metals trading hours:

date Precious metal trading hours (GMT+8) office Technical Department (Inventory Room)
June 10, 2024 (Monday) normal trading hours Office: Vacation
Withdrawal: Suspended
Customer Service: Vacation
Deposit: Normal
(except Hong Kong Bank)
normal trading hours

If you have any questions, please contact our customer service department. Tel: (852) 3978 8188Fax  : (852) 3978 8198Website  : https://gwgold.hkictech.com/Email : cs@gwgold.hkictech.comHongfeng Bullion Group (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.


尊貴的各客户 : 近期我們發現有某些交易平台旗下經紀聲稱為本公司的子公司,可以幫助客戶開設外匯及各指數投資戶口。本公司在此發出嚴正聲明,貴司從沒經營外匯和其他指數買賣,亦沒有任何子公司經營此等買賣,務請各客戶及投資者,提高警覺免招損失。 敬請垂注

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